_ _ (_|_) _ ___ ___ _ _ __ _(_) / __|/ _ \ | |/ _` | \__ \ __/ | | (_| |_ |___/\___|_| |\__,_( ) _/ | |/ |__/ plans, ideas and thoughts on seija; and it's future First record may or may not be one of my albums, im planing on getting migz in on this too and maybe x, anyone of my friends who can produce something for seija; I might put every image on a seperate site named Seija# just so I don't clog up my file manager on seija;, im very bad at organizing http://prntscr.com/ja91r8 Mockup of what it'll probably look like, I don't need anything super special because nothing interesting will be visible just like that. I recentl got back into lbp so i might put some lbp creations up onto seija;, i shouodl get lbp 2 as well. Very fun games, to anyone who actually found this, u should play them How should I hide this? Maybe just not even hide it at all an have a thing at the explorer at the top saying "ideas" or soemthing? I might give something an that takes it to this txt file If ur reading this please don't leak anything. Ty <3 gonan start a new project; codename popit i will put physical things on there, maybe a r**b**bl* page thats it for this nigth...goodnight everybody. it's almost 12 i have to go somewhjere tmrw